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                               CONFIGURATION MENU

COM PORT  This allows you to select the appropriate port.  Enter COM:1, COM:2,
          COM:3, COM:4 for a standard com port.  Enter LOCAL for local testing.
          Enter PORT:XXXX:Y where XXXX is the hexidecimal base address of the
          com port, and Y is the irq (1-9) for non-standard ports.

CAPTURE   This is the name you wish the capture file to be written to.  It is
          toggled on and off by the main menu "B" entry.

BAUD RATE This is the opening BAUD rate you wish to use with the modem.
          Normally this is the highest rate the modem will work at.  Not
          recommend to set above 38400.

LOCK PORT When the modem connects it will return a CONNECT string.  Some
          modems require the baud rate to be changed to the rate indicated
          in the connect string.  Other modems require the rate to be set at
          and remain at the initial setting.  Selecting YES will prevent
          the rate from dropping to the rate indicated in the CONNECT message.

INIT STRG This is the string sent to the modem when the program is brought up,
          and when Initialize modem is selected from the main menu.

NUM DIAL  This is the number dialed when "D" is selected at the main menu.
          If this field is left blank, the user is prompted for the number
          to dial.  Once the number is dialed, the program will wait for a
          CONNECT from the modem, then switch into the TERMINAL mode.  If BUSY
          or other error occurs, will redial number.

LPT1-LPT3 DOORWAY has the ability to redirect printer outputs when a /Y:R is
          included in the command line.  When the printer information is
          received by the remote, it is tagged as to whether it is going to
          lpt1, lpt2, or lpt3.  This allows you to have 0 to 3 printers on
          the remote end, and control where the redirection goes.  For instance
          if you only have one printer on the remote, all 3 could go to LPT1,
          or PRN.  If you have no printer, you could put a filename in the
          entry, and all printer output will be written to the disk.  And
          if you have 3 printers on the remote, each will respond seperately
          and properly.  This feature is available only if DWCOMM is use.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson